Die Suche ergab 4 Treffer

von Bandung
Do 22. Dez 2011, 11:36
Forum: Fusion Festival 2012
Thema: Iban number incorrect
Antworten: 35
Zugriffe: 30646

Re: Iban number incorrect

cool. let s wait a bit. thank you all

ed: i got the confirmation mail too.

Thanks to the crew.

von Bandung
Do 22. Dez 2011, 11:04
Forum: Fusion Festival 2012
Thema: Iban number incorrect
Antworten: 35
Zugriffe: 30646

Re: Iban number incorrect

Ok... So the Iban from Valentina for all the foreigner... I d still love to have a reply from the mail i sent to the fusion adress, just to be sure...
von Bandung
Mi 21. Dez 2011, 17:05
Forum: Fusion Festival 2012
Thema: Bitte korrekte IBAN-Nr. an alle per Mail!
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 10483

Re: Bitte korrekte IBAN-Nr. an alle per Mail!

So the good iban seems to be DE 39430609671109114703 and not DE66430609671109114702 as they said in another topic?

I m so confused right now......
von Bandung
Mi 21. Dez 2011, 16:12
Forum: Fusion Festival 2012
Thema: Iban number incorrect
Antworten: 35
Zugriffe: 30646

Re: Iban number incorrect

So just to be sure. do all the foreigner have to transfer to the iban that finish with a 02? I d love if someone from the fusion crew could answer, cause i m tryin to pay with the first iban and well it doesn't work...

Thank you a lot. kuss