Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Di 19. Feb 2019, 07:25

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von mraleki »

Olivetree hat geschrieben: Mo 8. Apr 2024, 17:57 @mraleki:

So much text and one-sided, twisted thoughts to justify 7th Oct. So many false and ahistorical statements to say that the modern state of Israel has to be destroyed so that "Palestinians" get back "their" land. The land where modern Israel is situated is the home of Jews since 3000 years. Due to the jewish Diaspora they had been scattered around the globe.

In 1947 there was a UN resolution to form two separate jewish and arabic states and put Jerusalem under prolonged UN-control. It was dismissed by the arabs and Israel nevertheless was founded and instantly attacked by their Arab neighbours. The rest is an ongoing history of violence and counter-violence.

Palestinians elected Hamas with +65% after Israel withdrew from Gaza and the majority of them is still supporting them. Hundreds of Gaza-civilians participated on 7th Oct, killed , looted and raped. Hamas' declared goal is to wipe out Israel.

And you? You don't lose a single word about them. You justify their crimes stating that they mostly attacked Israeli soldiers (wrong). You don't urge them to hand over the hostages. You don't urge them to end this madness. You're only blaming the jews and cloaking your anti-semitism by calling them zionists, while pressing to remove Israel of the map.

Let me ask you: what should happen to the roughly 7 Million Jews in Israel, when Palestinians should become "free" (2 Million of them are already free in Israel and till 7th Oct it was possible even for people in Gaza to work in Israel) and get "their" land back? What will happen to them?
So you are telling me that due to the Jewish diaspora some white person can go back to that land because his ancestors were kicked out 3000 years ago but not the millions of Palestinians that were kicked out 75 years ago, Palestinians who were living in this land for generation extending hundreds and thousands of years? How is that common sense? What this logic Rome should demand England and the whole of Europe.

The Jews in Palestine in 1878 were 5%, 2 % of them were out of a foreign born, this jumped to 11% in 1922 and 30% in 1944 .. all of this increase isn't because they were native to the land but because they were coming under the British mandate to colonize Palestine and take the land from the native population, then the stupid western sponsored plan happened to give those 30% new colonizers 56% of the land, drawing lines in a map they don't understand taking the homeland away from the native population.

Germans elected nazis, Americans elected bush and trump and many other killers, does that give anyone the right to go and kill the people who elected them? Does that give the Palestinians the OK to go and kill Israelis who elected netanyahu and every war criminal Israeli government? Be careful with this dumb logic

I urge for the release of the hostages, all the hostages starting with all the Palestinian hostages, kids, women and thousands of men in occupation prisons being tortured on daily basis but I guess you only see one type of a hostage and the Palestinians in their occupiers jails are okay to live and suffer because they aren't Jews ? It's okay because they are Arab christians and Muslims.

I am an ant Zionist, many Jews and free people in the world are anti Zionists, and if anyone else had colonized Palestine it would be the same, Palestinians should be free regardless of who is colonizing them.

You have asked me what happens to the 7 million Israeli citizens when Palestine becomes Free? I have never heard a white person ever asking about the 7 million Palestinian refugees living in refugee camps for the past 75 years.

We are always talking about the imaginary situation of the future Free Palestine but we don't speak about the current one, where Palestinians in Palestine are living under a colonial apartheid occupation and 7 millions of them are living in diaspora mostly in refugee camps.

It's not up to me what happens when Palestine is free but I would imagine it as a free land where Jews and Arabs christians and Muslims are equal against the law, where no one has a system of an apartheid dominance over the other, is that too hard ? But I don't think colonizers would ever accept to be equals with the colonized unless when they are forced to like what happened in south Africa.
Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Di 19. Feb 2019, 07:25

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von mraleki »

Rave2D2 hat geschrieben: Mo 8. Apr 2024, 18:08 I just dont get how the genocide will be ended when fusion would be anti-israel. Fusion is pro-refugess, pro human rights, anti imperialistic. so what do "you" as "pro palastine"-people want from kulturkosmos. it sounds like "as long as fusion doesn't say, israel people should fuck of, its an fascist festival".

Fusion is everything you want for palastine - but not just for palastine. Fusion is the same for ALL people. Jewish people getting attacked even in Germany. Nowhere on earth is a place, where jewish people can practice their religion without fear. You could team up with jewish people. Like a lot jewish people are teaming up with arabic people. The gouvernment should be your foe. Hamas should be your foe. But noooo, now Fusion is your foe. I could laugh when it wouldnt be that sad.

The most arabic people I know are ashamed for "from the river to the sea". Its just brainwashed hamas-ideology. Sorry to hear, that its so important to cry an antisemitic slogan for some people. You dont free anything with that. You are just fighting your own personal fights without any empathie for the other side.

I can just repeat myself: Everbody (here) wants peace for the palastine people. Everbody (here) wants the israel gouvernment to stop killing civilians. Everbody (here) wants palastine to be free. Its just exhausting to remember that not all palastine people are as fucked up as the "from the river..."-idiots in this forum. There is no freedom for some. There is just freedom for all.

I'm getting hard "ethno pluralism"-Vibes from you people. The same "look at these internet links. look at that. you have to see the truth". Just brainwashed fucks.

Shout from the river to your wall and feel ashamed for beeing this ignorant and arrogant

Edith: If you can't be pro-palastine without beeing anti-israel you're just an rasict, war-loving, revenge-driven asshole who believes in the lies of the powerful people. you've got every right to be that. but dont wonder if you cant find any friends with that attitude besides other rasict, war-loving, revenge-driven assholes.
Genocide will definitely not end because of fusion but we need these spaces to talk about it, you are claiming that fusion is pro refugees then let's talk about teb 7 million Palestinian refugees because of the creation of Israel, you are claiming fusion is pro human rights then let's talk about all the human rights violations over the Palestinians, isn't apartheid and occupation a human right violation?, you are claiming that fusion is anti imperialist then let's talk about the biggest empire on earth supporting Israel with billions of dollars worth of weapons, money and endless political support that allows it to act with impunity that has led to an endless occupation and now a genocide. Can we talk about these things in fusion ?

I have Jewish friends, and I know my foes , my foes are American imperialism and the Zionist settler colonial apartheid occupation of Palestine, fusion wasn't my foe but it chose to make me and all of the Djs that support Palestine its foe just because of an imaginary fear from a call for freedom.

I don't think everyone wants peace because peace comes at a price and that price is giving the Palestinians their rights back, their land back, we want a real peace where everyone is equal, we want liberation where no one is subjugated under the other, this is the kind of peace we want not the peace of an oppressor continually oppressing the native population and everyone is silent.

You my friend is demanding a peace that keeps an occupation, a peace that keeps 7 million refugees as refugees, a peace that cements the status que and I would love for you to learn about the other side, read Palestinian books and If that's too hard then maybe from some books from anti Zionist Jews maybe that will open your mind, I can give you a few references if you are interested
Shlomo sand have written a couple of good ones, ilan pappe too. Both are Israeli, both are Jewish, both are anti Zionist, can you call them anti samites too for calling for a free Palestine?

Don't worry, I have so many loving friends, friends that aren't racist, friends that don't value humans less because they have a different skin color, friends that don't have double standards for their ethics, friends that love life, friends that want peace and dignity for all. I'm good, I'm just worried about you and the status of the left in Germany, you guys are more right wing then any right wing party in anywhere else in the world, never missing a chance to be on the wrong side of history.
Beiträge: 49
Registriert: Mo 30. Okt 2023, 11:54

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von Olivetree »

mraleki hat geschrieben: Di 9. Apr 2024, 08:11
Olivetree hat geschrieben: Mo 8. Apr 2024, 17:57 @mraleki:

So much text and one-sided, twisted thoughts to justify 7th Oct. So many false and ahistorical statements to say that the modern state of Israel has to be destroyed so that "Palestinians" get back "their" land. The land where modern Israel is situated is the home of Jews since 3000 years. Due to the jewish Diaspora they had been scattered around the globe.

In 1947 there was a UN resolution to form two separate jewish and arabic states and put Jerusalem under prolonged UN-control. It was dismissed by the arabs and Israel nevertheless was founded and instantly attacked by their Arab neighbours. The rest is an ongoing history of violence and counter-violence.

Palestinians elected Hamas with +65% after Israel withdrew from Gaza and the majority of them is still supporting them. Hundreds of Gaza-civilians participated on 7th Oct, killed , looted and raped. Hamas' declared goal is to wipe out Israel.

And you? You don't lose a single word about them. You justify their crimes stating that they mostly attacked Israeli soldiers (wrong). You don't urge them to hand over the hostages. You don't urge them to end this madness. You're only blaming the jews and cloaking your anti-semitism by calling them zionists, while pressing to remove Israel of the map.

Let me ask you: what should happen to the roughly 7 Million Jews in Israel, when Palestinians should become "free" (2 Million of them are already free in Israel and till 7th Oct it was possible even for people in Gaza to work in Israel) and get "their" land back? What will happen to them?
So you are telling me that due to the Jewish diaspora some white person can go back to that land because his ancestors were kicked out 3000 years ago but not the millions of Palestinians that were kicked out 75 years ago, Palestinians who were living in this land for generation extending hundreds and thousands of years? How is that common sense? What this logic Rome should demand England and the whole of Europe.

The Jews in Palestine in 1878 were 5%, 2 % of them were out of a foreign born, this jumped to 11% in 1922 and 30% in 1944 .. all of this increase isn't because they were native to the land but because they were coming under the British mandate to colonize Palestine and take the land from the native population, then the stupid western sponsored plan happened to give those 30% new colonizers 56% of the land, drawing lines in a map they don't understand taking the homeland away from the native population.

Germans elected nazis, Americans elected bush and trump and many other killers, does that give anyone the right to go and kill the people who elected them? Does that give the Palestinians the OK to go and kill Israelis who elected netanyahu and every war criminal Israeli government? Be careful with this dumb logic

I urge for the release of the hostages, all the hostages starting with all the Palestinian hostages, kids, women and thousands of men in occupation prisons being tortured on daily basis but I guess you only see one type of a hostage and the Palestinians in their occupiers jails are okay to live and suffer because they aren't Jews ? It's okay because they are Arab christians and Muslims.

I am an ant Zionist, many Jews and free people in the world are anti Zionists, and if anyone else had colonized Palestine it would be the same, Palestinians should be free regardless of who is colonizing them.

You have asked me what happens to the 7 million Israeli citizens when Palestine becomes Free? I have never heard a white person ever asking about the 7 million Palestinian refugees living in refugee camps for the past 75 years.

We are always talking about the imaginary situation of the future Free Palestine but we don't speak about the current one, where Palestinians in Palestine are living under a colonial apartheid occupation and 7 millions of them are living in diaspora mostly in refugee camps.

It's not up to me what happens when Palestine is free but I would imagine it as a free land where Jews and Arabs christians and Muslims are equal against the law, where no one has a system of an apartheid dominance over the other, is that too hard ? But I don't think colonizers would ever accept to be equals with the colonized unless when they are forced to like what happened in south Africa.
Again so much text without even mentioning Hamas. And even though you're spreading their propaganda and falsehoods really good. Makes me think what you really think about them.

And of course you cannot imagine what will happen to the Jews, if organisations like Hamas and Hisbollah will get their "freedom" in Israel, but I can: it will be 7th Oct, but x 1000. You talking so noble, so woke and lefty, but in real you're supporting the most brutal terrorist organisations. Organisations, that threw gay people off the roofs of Gaza, that have a clearly fascist agenda and want to wipe Israel off the map. Organisations, that let kids spit on the corpses of females they had just raped and killed, while parading them through Gaza. People like you make me sick. You hiding your will to exterminate Jews behind some anti-colonial, anti-zionist bullshit-bingo, even claiming the moral highground and calling everybody else racists.

And of course, in Utopia everybody, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Atheists, will someday live peacefully and equal together in the holy land. I don't know, if you haven't paid any attention. On both sides the most radical, most vile, most disgusting people are in charge. After what hast happened in the last 6 months and started on 7th Oct, there won't be any chance for longlasting peace for generations.

And back to KuKo and Fusion: the only thing, that shouldn't be chanted is the Statement "from the river to the sea". And you know why. And stop pretending to not understand and derail the true meaning of this statement.

And btw: I know that the Palestinians suffer tremendously. I know that Israel, the USA has done a lot of injustice to them. But this cannot bei solved and redeemed with actions like 7th Oct. This day defiled the 'good cause' of Palestinians for years to come.
Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Di 19. Feb 2019, 07:25

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von mraleki »

dicker hat geschrieben: Mo 8. Apr 2024, 20:38 first of all, thank you for answering my questions objectively. i really appreciate that!

of course i'm not an affected person, i live here in completely different circumstances and evaluate the israeli - palestinian conflict from a comfort zone. actually i can't fully grasp and evaluate it, i'm too far away from the events for that. but maybe the distance is even quite good to see the events more objectively.

i'm not religious at all and i share your views on faith. but what i miss in your words is the compassion for the people who were massacred. a festival like fusion was attacked there in an unbelievable way. i'm sure you know the details. now we're going to a similar festival where i'm afraid that something similar will happen there too. hamas has also taken away a piece of my freedom - forever!

the conflict cannot be resolved at the fusion in lärz. but you will meet people there who will listen to you and who also want the palestinians to do well. you should actually know that if you've already been there.

I'm sad that you don't want to come!
You are welcome, and in case you have any more questions please ask, if you are curious and want to read to get what I'm talking about I can give you some books and sources.

Since the Palestinians have always been talking but the weight of their voice isn't equal to Israelis then Shlomo sand and Ilan pappe are both Israeli and anti Zionists, the hundred year's war by Rashid khaldi is a good book to start from too.

I feel bad for every drop of blood wasted by this, but cause of this tragedy comes back to the existence of the occupation, the injustice that needs to be solved by giving people their rights back, the dismantlement of the colonial apartheid system of dominance.
There shouldn't be any justification for any war crime, though It's not an "isolated terrorist attack" that comes out of just "pure hate" see the full picture, understand the context, nothing will be solved as long as one party gets the full support of the imperial united states and counties like Germany no matter what they do, even a genocide.

During this genocide the Israeli state has so far killed at least 40 times as many people as Hamas did.
Hamas killed 36 kids, or 3.5% of the total.
Israel has killed over 15,000 kids, around 37% of the total.
Israel has starved an entire population and razed Gaza to the ground.
Hamas committed serious, grave war crimes. Israel has committed far, far worse.

The "conflict" won't be solved in larz for sure, but we can talk about it, we can educate ourselves and have proper discussions, we can imagine a free Palestinian people without the fear of the imaginary genocide of the Israeli people, we can do that in fusion but then there is the new rule of censorship of all the voices preformers and attendees alike that call for freedom to Palestine and the Palestinian people.
Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Di 19. Feb 2019, 07:25

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von mraleki »

Olivetree hat geschrieben: Di 9. Apr 2024, 10:11
mraleki hat geschrieben: Di 9. Apr 2024, 08:11
Olivetree hat geschrieben: Mo 8. Apr 2024, 17:57 @mraleki:

So much text and one-sided, twisted thoughts to justify 7th Oct. So many false and ahistorical statements to say that the modern state of Israel has to be destroyed so that "Palestinians" get back "their" land. The land where modern Israel is situated is the home of Jews since 3000 years. Due to the jewish Diaspora they had been scattered around the globe.

In 1947 there was a UN resolution to form two separate jewish and arabic states and put Jerusalem under prolonged UN-control. It was dismissed by the arabs and Israel nevertheless was founded and instantly attacked by their Arab neighbours. The rest is an ongoing history of violence and counter-violence.

Palestinians elected Hamas with +65% after Israel withdrew from Gaza and the majority of them is still supporting them. Hundreds of Gaza-civilians participated on 7th Oct, killed , looted and raped. Hamas' declared goal is to wipe out Israel.

And you? You don't lose a single word about them. You justify their crimes stating that they mostly attacked Israeli soldiers (wrong). You don't urge them to hand over the hostages. You don't urge them to end this madness. You're only blaming the jews and cloaking your anti-semitism by calling them zionists, while pressing to remove Israel of the map.

Let me ask you: what should happen to the roughly 7 Million Jews in Israel, when Palestinians should become "free" (2 Million of them are already free in Israel and till 7th Oct it was possible even for people in Gaza to work in Israel) and get "their" land back? What will happen to them?
So you are telling me that due to the Jewish diaspora some white person can go back to that land because his ancestors were kicked out 3000 years ago but not the millions of Palestinians that were kicked out 75 years ago, Palestinians who were living in this land for generation extending hundreds and thousands of years? How is that common sense? What this logic Rome should demand England and the whole of Europe.

The Jews in Palestine in 1878 were 5%, 2 % of them were out of a foreign born, this jumped to 11% in 1922 and 30% in 1944 .. all of this increase isn't because they were native to the land but because they were coming under the British mandate to colonize Palestine and take the land from the native population, then the stupid western sponsored plan happened to give those 30% new colonizers 56% of the land, drawing lines in a map they don't understand taking the homeland away from the native population.

Germans elected nazis, Americans elected bush and trump and many other killers, does that give anyone the right to go and kill the people who elected them? Does that give the Palestinians the OK to go and kill Israelis who elected netanyahu and every war criminal Israeli government? Be careful with this dumb logic

I urge for the release of the hostages, all the hostages starting with all the Palestinian hostages, kids, women and thousands of men in occupation prisons being tortured on daily basis but I guess you only see one type of a hostage and the Palestinians in their occupiers jails are okay to live and suffer because they aren't Jews ? It's okay because they are Arab christians and Muslims.

I am an ant Zionist, many Jews and free people in the world are anti Zionists, and if anyone else had colonized Palestine it would be the same, Palestinians should be free regardless of who is colonizing them.

You have asked me what happens to the 7 million Israeli citizens when Palestine becomes Free? I have never heard a white person ever asking about the 7 million Palestinian refugees living in refugee camps for the past 75 years.

We are always talking about the imaginary situation of the future Free Palestine but we don't speak about the current one, where Palestinians in Palestine are living under a colonial apartheid occupation and 7 millions of them are living in diaspora mostly in refugee camps.

It's not up to me what happens when Palestine is free but I would imagine it as a free land where Jews and Arabs christians and Muslims are equal against the law, where no one has a system of an apartheid dominance over the other, is that too hard ? But I don't think colonizers would ever accept to be equals with the colonized unless when they are forced to like what happened in south Africa.
Again so much text without even mentioning Hamas. And even though you're spreading their propaganda and falsehoods really good. Makes me think what you really think about them.

And of course you cannot imagine what will happen to the Jews, if organisations like Hamas and Hisbollah will get their "freedom" in Israel, but I can: it will be 7th Oct, but x 1000. You talking so noble, so woke and lefty, but in real you're supporting the most brutal terrorist organisations. Organisations, that threw gay people off the roofs of Gaza, that have a clearly fascist agenda and want to wipe Israel off the map. Organisations, that let kids spit on the corpses of females they had just raped and killed, while parading them through Gaza. People like you make me sick. You hiding your will to exterminate Jews behind some anti-colonial, anti-zionist bullshit-bingo, even claiming the moral highground and calling everybody else racists.

And of course, in Utopia everybody, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Atheists, will someday live peacefully and equal together in the holy land. I don't know, if you haven't paid any attention. On both sides the most radical, most vile, most disgusting people are in charge. After what hast happened in the last 6 months and started on 7th Oct, there won't be any chance for longlasting peace for generations.

And back to KuKo and Fusion: the only thing, that shouldn't be chanted is the Statement "from the river to the sea". And you know why. And stop pretending to not understand and derail the true meaning of this statement.

And btw: I know that the Palestinians suffer tremendously. I know that Israel, the USA has done a lot of injustice to them. But this cannot bei solved and redeemed with actions like 7th Oct. This day defiled the 'good cause' of Palestinians for years to come.
During this Genocide the Israeli state has so far killed at least 40 times as many people as Hamas did.
Hamas killed 36 kids, or 3.5% of the total.
Israel has killed over 15,000 kids, around 37% of the total.
Israel has starved an entire population and razed Gaza to the ground.
Hamas committed serious, grave war crimes. Israel has committed far, far worse.

Here you go, Hamas is mentioned, are you happy?

Palestinians and Israelis are not equal on the blame here. One is a nuclear military colonial apartheid occupation occupation and one is occupied.

The Israeli regime is the biggest terrorist fascist organization I see, 75+ years of ongoing land theft, ethnic cleansing and now genocide.

Do you think Gaza is free of gay people? Do you think that Israel doesn't bomb gay people? Do you think that Israel doesn't abuse and use gay Palestinians too? Have you seen the Zionists spit on live people in Jerusalem? Have you seen the Zionists grow in settlements on the west bank while everyone in the world is silent? Have you seen the system of dominance and apartheid? Or are you blind to all of these? Throwing antisemitism accusations at everything you don't like. Repeat after me, it's okay to demand freedom for others even if they aren't white.

Kuko's decision is racist, it takes one side's story and censors the other, denies the freedom of the Palestinians and provides a hostile environment for any preformers and attendees because of a call for freedom they don't like.

And, btw the Palestinians aren't waiting for your approval of their good cause. You have always sided with their oppressors and I hope one day you come to the realization of the grave mistakes you have made and feel ashamed for standing with a genocidal fascist war criminal regime.
Beiträge: 39
Registriert: Mi 13. Mär 2024, 16:02

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von Rave2D2 »


I feel very sorry for you. You are trying to lecture people with an "eye for an eye"-ideology. You're saying by yourself the conflict cant be solved in lärz. You're saying by yourself you want to talk about the conflict in lärz. This is fine. KuKo is allowing it (btw. KuKo doesnt forbid anything). KuKo is asking for a compromise. Dont use the vocabulary Hamas is using. Maybe you're seeing Hamas with different eyes. But they are a corrupt, mafia-style organisation which is using palastine people for their own money-pot. Israel did bad in appartheid, letting palastine people hunger, die, killing palastine people. but they also did bad in letting Hamas brainwash you and others. Hamas is living a better life because of the conflict.
They are not palastine people. Same like (almost) every politician is not part of the people.
Politicians and the powerful could be your foe. But you are making other people like yourself to foe. People who are trying to live in peace and harmony.
If KuKo is your foe because of asking for a compromise than you are part of the problem i guess. And "Zionism" is a strange thing to be against. "Zionismus bedeutet das Streben nach einem unabhängigen jüdischen Staat." - this is exactly what palastines want. You are just thinking in "your people" and "the others". You deserve to be free but others dont because of some historic arbitrarily contruct you trying to build. Don't you see that people should be free - no matter their believes? And still you are just trying to say "israel is worse so we are allowed to speak anti-semitic". And nobody here said YOU were antisemitic. So stop the "people try to cencor me"-bs. But listen to the people when they tell you, you're speaking the same like antisemitics. Even without blaming you as an antisemitic you're speaking nationalistic bs. "We against the others" is so conservative, right wing blah.

So dont think you ever ever were part of an utopian idea for all people. And dont blame Fusion for trying to stand for all people.

And you wont find any friends with that. Your just making foes and foes and foes (like fusion is your foe because asking for a compromise...)

PS: I dont know you as a person. Everything I write is just a answer on the things you're writing. I hope in real life you understand the difference between hate and rage. I follow you in every rage about how cruel the world is. But i'm afraid you're lost in hate. Take care of that (sorry not sorry for pathos)
Beiträge: 121
Registriert: Di 24. Jan 2012, 21:45
Wohnort: Meck-Pomm

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von F.D.I.O. »

die AfD sind Arschlöcher, alle die die AfD unterstützen bzw. deren Taten relativieren sind Arschlöcher.
die Hamas sind Arschlöcher, alle die die Hamas unterstützen bzw. deren Taten relativieren sind Arschlöcher.
Beiträge: 111
Registriert: Sa 2. Jul 2016, 11:52

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von ilitsch »

I think everyone can agree, to the fact that there is an orgy of violence with multiple offical and unoffical wars in the region over the past decades. It is a huch mistake to ask who is good and who is bad, who stands in the light and who in the dark, who has a right to make war, and who can do what they are doing in a war. Instead, my opinion, one has to ask What happens in a war. A war turns the way humans think and act to enable their being upside down, not to harm other humans bodys and minds, some ideological interpretations go so far not harm animals either, and the ideolocical obligation, to care for your own body by eating healty, going to doctor regulary, making sports, use drugs properly etc. Most of this is guaarented in every religion and its books like talmund, quaran, bible not to say in the modern constitutions and human rights treaties. In a war this becomes the duty to harm and kill other humans and to sacrifice and riski your own life for the war on a scale which is over the imagination, total destruction and tens and hundred of thousand people dead. Confronted with this nightmare, with these horror facts, humans begin to search for good reasons, good causes, good purposes, making out of a nightmare every war is for everyone who has to participate in it a holy grale, a right way of living, a just war. It seems to be obviously very stupid, to ask what GOOD REASONS have people to go to war, herby justifing and accepting the facts of total destrucion and dead people as far as the eye catches as something tolerable, justified, a coincience. This seems here the logical line of the arguments of both sides, and to make it clear i find it disgusting. Better is to ask what reasons humans have nowadays to make war, mz be we find them out, and can change them.

So what are the reasons for most wars in modern times in my opinion on the surface. Usually states and authorities who wants to become states are fighting over territory and the means to control / rule over . govern the people who are living on it, by saying the humans or a part of the people who are living there needs to be protected or has to defend itself against another state or statewill who also wants to have this territory and the people or a part of the people who are living on it. And guess what, by definition there can only be one state who rules over a certain territory and its people, so they are fighting it out by mobilizing humans mostly with the above explained stupid just war / good bad argument or there are good reasons to die and kill others because than you will be free. What that free here means is quite clear, to be governed by an authority which controls the land and means of power and its populatition and can send them in the next war in the next crisis which comes for sure in capitalism. Sorry, thanks, for me its just stupid nationalism, fighting for a nation state.
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: Do 11. Apr 2024, 20:17

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von kragenbär »

F.D.I.O. hat geschrieben: Di 9. Apr 2024, 13:28 die AfD sind Arschlöcher, alle die die AfD unterstützen bzw. deren Taten relativieren sind Arschlöcher.
die Hamas sind Arschlöcher, alle die die Hamas unterstützen bzw. deren Taten relativieren sind Arschlöcher.
wenn das mal so einfach wäre. deutsche linke ist sich nicht einig.

Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Di 19. Feb 2019, 07:25

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von mraleki »

Rave2D2 hat geschrieben: Di 9. Apr 2024, 12:48 @mraleki

I feel very sorry for you. You are trying to lecture people with an "eye for an eye"-ideology. You're saying by yourself the conflict cant be solved in lärz. You're saying by yourself you want to talk about the conflict in lärz. This is fine. KuKo is allowing it (btw. KuKo doesnt forbid anything). KuKo is asking for a compromise. Dont use the vocabulary Hamas is using. Maybe you're seeing Hamas with different eyes. But they are a corrupt, mafia-style organisation which is using palastine people for their own money-pot. Israel did bad in appartheid, letting palastine people hunger, die, killing palastine people. but they also did bad in letting Hamas brainwash you and others. Hamas is living a better life because of the conflict.
They are not palastine people. Same like (almost) every politician is not part of the people.
Politicians and the powerful could be your foe. But you are making other people like yourself to foe. People who are trying to live in peace and harmony.
If KuKo is your foe because of asking for a compromise than you are part of the problem i guess. And "Zionism" is a strange thing to be against. "Zionismus bedeutet das Streben nach einem unabhängigen jüdischen Staat." - this is exactly what palastines want. You are just thinking in "your people" and "the others". You deserve to be free but others dont because of some historic arbitrarily contruct you trying to build. Don't you see that people should be free - no matter their believes? And still you are just trying to say "israel is worse so we are allowed to speak anti-semitic". And nobody here said YOU were antisemitic. So stop the "people try to cencor me"-bs. But listen to the people when they tell you, you're speaking the same like antisemitics. Even without blaming you as an antisemitic you're speaking nationalistic bs. "We against the others" is so conservative, right wing blah.

So dont think you ever ever were part of an utopian idea for all people. And dont blame Fusion for trying to stand for all people.

And you wont find any friends with that. Your just making foes and foes and foes (like fusion is your foe because asking for a compromise...)

PS: I dont know you as a person. Everything I write is just a answer on the things you're writing. I hope in real life you understand the difference between hate and rage. I follow you in every rage about how cruel the world is. But i'm afraid you're lost in hate. Take care of that (sorry not sorry for pathos)
You and kuko think that a call for freedom from a colonial apartheid occupation for 75 years that implemented land theft, ethnic cleansing, and now genocide is not okay because of an imaginary genocide that will happen if Palestinians are free? 

It is censorship to deny people freedom of expression, You, Kuko and the general mass of "liberals" are more worried about an imaginary scenario in your head than the actual genocide happening right now by the state you defend, a state that has kept breaking everything you claim you stand for for generations.

This call for freedom isn't a Hamas thing, the Palestinians aren't all Hamas, Hamas was founded in 1987; the occupation started way before that, and Hamas maybe wouldn't last for long, but even if that happens, that doesn't mean that the Palestinians will accept the reality of the occupation and the apartheid system they live under. 

This is a call for freedom for the Palestinian people, and when you are standing against that, you are standing on the side of the state that denies their freedom.

This call for freedom doesn't call for genocide or the killing of anyone, but it threatens the existence of that colony in this shape and form and removes the main principle of its existence, which is dominance over and subjugation of the Palestinian people.

People have the right to exist, not states, political parties, or political systems. People should always have the right to live safe, equal, and free without fear. 

PS: I don't know you. I wish you well, and I wish you could take a look at what happened to the Palestinians since the early 20th century until now. Palestinians have been made the scapegoat for mistakes they didn't make, and their lives have never been equal to those of white men.

Freedom to Palestine and everyone from the river to the sea; freedom isn't a system of dominance but a system of equality; freedom where everyone is equal; freedom to the refugees that have been living in concentration camps (in and out of Palestine) for 75 years; their right to return will never be forgotten. 

I wish for a free Palestine. Many others around the world feel the same way, including DJs and performers at Fusion Festival, and if kuko doesn't accept that, then again, it's not what it says it stands for but has now shifted to be what it hates, to be a tool of censorship and fascism. 