Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beiträge: 39
Registriert: Mi 13. Mär 2024, 16:02

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von Rave2D2 »

mraleki hat geschrieben: Do 18. Apr 2024, 08:11
Rave2D2 hat geschrieben: Di 9. Apr 2024, 12:48 @mraleki

I feel very sorry for you. You are trying to lecture people with an "eye for an eye"-ideology. You're saying by yourself the conflict cant be solved in lärz. You're saying by yourself you want to talk about the conflict in lärz. This is fine. KuKo is allowing it (btw. KuKo doesnt forbid anything). KuKo is asking for a compromise. Dont use the vocabulary Hamas is using. Maybe you're seeing Hamas with different eyes. But they are a corrupt, mafia-style organisation which is using palastine people for their own money-pot. Israel did bad in appartheid, letting palastine people hunger, die, killing palastine people. but they also did bad in letting Hamas brainwash you and others. Hamas is living a better life because of the conflict.
They are not palastine people. Same like (almost) every politician is not part of the people.
Politicians and the powerful could be your foe. But you are making other people like yourself to foe. People who are trying to live in peace and harmony.
If KuKo is your foe because of asking for a compromise than you are part of the problem i guess. And "Zionism" is a strange thing to be against. "Zionismus bedeutet das Streben nach einem unabhängigen jüdischen Staat." - this is exactly what palastines want. You are just thinking in "your people" and "the others". You deserve to be free but others dont because of some historic arbitrarily contruct you trying to build. Don't you see that people should be free - no matter their believes? And still you are just trying to say "israel is worse so we are allowed to speak anti-semitic". And nobody here said YOU were antisemitic. So stop the "people try to cencor me"-bs. But listen to the people when they tell you, you're speaking the same like antisemitics. Even without blaming you as an antisemitic you're speaking nationalistic bs. "We against the others" is so conservative, right wing blah.

So dont think you ever ever were part of an utopian idea for all people. And dont blame Fusion for trying to stand for all people.

And you wont find any friends with that. Your just making foes and foes and foes (like fusion is your foe because asking for a compromise...)

PS: I dont know you as a person. Everything I write is just a answer on the things you're writing. I hope in real life you understand the difference between hate and rage. I follow you in every rage about how cruel the world is. But i'm afraid you're lost in hate. Take care of that (sorry not sorry for pathos)
You and kuko think that a call for freedom from a colonial apartheid occupation for 75 years that implemented land theft, ethnic cleansing, and now genocide is not okay because of an imaginary genocide that will happen if Palestinians are free?

It is censorship to deny people freedom of expression, You, Kuko and the general mass of "liberals" are more worried about an imaginary scenario in your head than the actual genocide happening right now by the state you defend, a state that has kept breaking everything you claim you stand for for generations.

This call for freedom isn't a Hamas thing, the Palestinians aren't all Hamas, Hamas was founded in 1987; the occupation started way before that, and Hamas maybe wouldn't last for long, but even if that happens, that doesn't mean that the Palestinians will accept the reality of the occupation and the apartheid system they live under.

This is a call for freedom for the Palestinian people, and when you are standing against that, you are standing on the side of the state that denies their freedom.

This call for freedom doesn't call for genocide or the killing of anyone, but it threatens the existence of that colony in this shape and form and removes the main principle of its existence, which is dominance over and subjugation of the Palestinian people.

People have the right to exist, not states, political parties, or political systems. People should always have the right to live safe, equal, and free without fear.

PS: I don't know you. I wish you well, and I wish you could take a look at what happened to the Palestinians since the early 20th century until now. Palestinians have been made the scapegoat for mistakes they didn't make, and their lives have never been equal to those of white men.

Freedom to Palestine and everyone from the river to the sea; freedom isn't a system of dominance but a system of equality; freedom where everyone is equal; freedom to the refugees that have been living in concentration camps (in and out of Palestine) for 75 years; their right to return will never be forgotten.

I wish for a free Palestine. Many others around the world feel the same way, including DJs and performers at Fusion Festival, and if kuko doesn't accept that, then again, it's not what it says it stands for but has now shifted to be what it hates, to be a tool of censorship and fascism.

Sorry Dude, if you have to put words in my mouth i'd say your argument is weak af.

Palastine is not getting free by KuKo allowing anti-israel-Propaganda. There is nothing to worry about talking
about the unhuman situation in Gaza. There is nothing to worry to express the wish for a free palastine. So why your putting these
words in the mouth of others?

To be fair...I wouldn't be suprised if your words where put in your mouth by someone else...

You still try to argue in an eye-for-an-eye-logic. Maybe its to hard for you to understand but its not paradox
to be for a free palastine and for a free israel.

I give you that this is easy for me to say. You maybe have another biographie. So your social education is more dualistic.
Good, evil, foe, friend, my, the other... If your palastine born or have family there...I blame Israel Gouverments, Hamas and others cynical regimes for that. Its easy to control people, telling them there are just friends and foes. So I feel pity for you falling for that.

I just think you're completly lost if you think, your dualistic thinking is something, you can (or should) lecture people into.

I stay to my word, that youre argument leads to "who's not my friend is my foe". This is classic nationalistic agenada.
So please think about where you want to go with that.

And dont offend me by misreading my words into anti-palastine. I'm not talking about palastine. I'm talking about your words.
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Do 18. Apr 2024, 13:55

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von knowyourenemy »

solche Leute wie mraleki sind einfach verloren. da hilft nichts mehr, wie bei den coronaleugnern vor einigen jahren. bei denen ist die welt eine scheibe. da bringt leider auch keine diskussion mehr was, denn die grundlagen wollen schon nicht verstanden werden und wahrscheinlich fehlen prinzipiell ein paar kognitive fähigkeiten.
wer alles übel in der region auf israel projiziert ist ein antisemit.
für die menschen in gaza hilft nur eins:
... und das hilft dann auch den menschen in israel.
Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Di 19. Feb 2019, 07:25

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von mraleki »

I refer you all to a true leftist who is a Palestinian that grew up under occupation and apartheid.
Please listen to his take on why banning a chat for freedom is stupid and absurd

Listen to Muhammad alkurd and open up your mind and soul

Have a wonderful day ❤️
Free Palestine and end censorship
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Do 18. Apr 2024, 13:55

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von knowyourenemy »

if your solution for a free palestine is the elimination of israel, then you are not left-wing but sh*t.
what's next? free iran and north korea from human rights activists?

Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Di 19. Feb 2019, 07:25

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von mraleki »

knowyourenemy hat geschrieben: Mi 24. Apr 2024, 12:28 if your solution for a free palestine is the elimination of israel, then you are not left-wing but sh*t.
what's next? free iran and north korea from human rights activists?

Because being a true left wing is by supporting a colonial apartheid occupation for 75+ years that is based on ethnic cleansing, land theft and now genocide... I guess some can't distinguish between being a left wing and being a Neo liberal imperial Hillary/Obama/Biden Stan.

Before trying to be funny I suggest you take a hard look of how Germans have viewed this problem for the past 75 years.
Commiting two genocides then aiding a genocide victim to commit another genocide to cleans your conscious in about 100 years seems crazy and worth of reevaluating everything about your believe system and all your actions.

I refer you back to the video mentioned above, and I hope ignites something in your mind and soul other than your sense of humor since that one is a lost cause.
Ready to have a proper discussion once anyone is ready to have it.
Peace, love and liberation 🫶🏽✌🏽
Beiträge: 42
Registriert: Mi 4. Jul 2012, 15:39

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von tillsitter »

Das ist doch mal eine gute Nachricht, wenn Palästina spricht und deren Umfeld der Fusion fernbleibt. Wer den Terror des 7. Oktober befürwortet und als Widerstand framed, so wie es Palästina spricht getan hat, hat auf der Fusion und in linken Strukturen einfach nichts verloren. Es gibt linke, progressive Strukturen vor Ort, die versuchen ein friedliches Leben in Freiheit und Würde für Israelis und Palästinenser*innen zu erkämpfen - der Aktivismus von vielen Gruppen weltweit, deren Engagement einseitigem Freund-Feind-Denken verhaftet bleibt, die ausgemachten Feind*innen entmenschlicht, deren Leid relativiert und rechtfertigt und einseitige Dämonisierung betreibt bei Ausblenden missliebiger weiterer Faktoren, arbeitet dem entgegen.
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: So 3. Jul 2022, 11:50

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von emilinated »

Das ist ja mal das größte Quatsch-Statement was ich seit langem lesen durfte. Wahnsinn.
Beiträge: 103
Registriert: Do 1. Jun 2023, 17:28

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von Utopist »

tillsitter hat geschrieben: Di 21. Mai 2024, 11:48
Das ist doch mal eine gute Nachricht, wenn Palästina spricht und deren Umfeld der Fusion fernbleibt. Wer den Terror des 7. Oktober befürwortet und als Widerstand framed, so wie es Palästina spricht getan hat, hat auf der Fusion und in linken Strukturen einfach nichts verloren. Es gibt linke, progressive Strukturen vor Ort, die versuchen ein friedliches Leben in Freiheit und Würde für Israelis und Palästinenser*innen zu erkämpfen - der Aktivismus von vielen Gruppen weltweit, deren Engagement einseitigem Freund-Feind-Denken verhaftet bleibt, die ausgemachten Feind*innen entmenschlicht, deren Leid relativiert und rechtfertigt und einseitige Dämonisierung betreibt bei Ausblenden missliebiger weiterer Faktoren, arbeitet dem entgegen.
Alles richtig, ändert aber auch nichts daran, dass Israel eine faschistische Regierung hat und bereits über 32.000 Palästinenser ermordet worden. Dieser Konflikt hat nichts mit Freiheit oder Würde zu tun, für niemanden.
Beiträge: 49
Registriert: Mo 30. Okt 2023, 11:54

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von Olivetree »

Wer in diesem absolut dämlichen Statement die Hamas und den islamischen Dschihad als "Widerstandsgruppen" betitelt, hat jegliche Moral und jeglichen Anstand verloren. Ein Glück bleiben diese pseudomoralischen Unterstützer von Massenmördern und Vergewaltigern dem Festival fern.

@Utopist: wo ist die derzeitige Regierung Israels faschistisch? Wo schafft sie die Pressefreiheit und die freie Rede ab? Wo errichtet sie gerade eine völkisch-nationale Diktatur und unterdrückt die Opposition? Netanjahu ist ein rechter, korrupter Verbrecher, aber dadurch ist Israel noch lange kein faschistischer Staat. Ich glaube sind bei einigen langsam komplett die letzten Sicherungen durchgebrannt. Und wenn in Israel das schlimmste und abartigste Pogrom gegen Jüd:innen seit dem zweiten Weltkrieg stattfindet und Israel militärisch gegen die Täter:innen vorgeht, dann ist das per se legitim, ganz egal wie schlimm die Bilder sind. Und unter deinen +30.000 "Ermordeten" sind nach Schätzungen westlicher Geheimdienste 20-25.000 Hamas Terroristen. Nur zur Erinnerung, das waren die netten Festivalbesucher vom 7.10. Wenn Israel wirklich einen Völkermord an den Palästinensern begehen würde, dann hätten wir ganz andere Zahlen.