Newsletter Israel / Palästina


Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von HappyKaktus »

Ich bin nun wirklich kein Israel-Fangirl und kritisiere so manche Handlungen der israelischen Regierung bzw. des Militärs. Trotzdem bin ich froh, wenn Leute freiwillig zuhause bleiben, die Israel am liebsten von der Landkarte löschen wollen oder nicht im Stande sind, sich klipp und klar von islamo-faschistischen Organisationen wie der Hamas und ihrem Terror zu distanzieren. Dieser "linke" Kuschelkurs mit islamistischen Menschenfeinden hat mich schon immer maximal abgestoßen.
Ansonsten hoffe ich, dass alle anderen Menschen (des menschenfreundlichen Spektrums), sich trotz ihrer etwaigen Differenzen während der Fusion zusammenreisen werden und vielleicht einfach mal versuchen, Politik für ein paar Tage etwas in den Hintergrund wandern zu lassen. Ich glaube eine solche Auszeit würde uns in diesen hyper-politisierten Zeiten mal ganz gut tun - ganz davon abgesehen, dass der Nahostkonflikt ohnehin nicht auf der Tanzfläche zu lösen ist.
Beiträge: 87
Registriert: Di 18. Dez 2012, 15:37

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von dicker »

@mraleki: I find your point of view very one-sided. You don't go into the unbelievable deeds of your people at all. May I ask you briefly whether everything that happened on October 7, 2024 is a legitimate path for Hamas?
How do you feel about Judaism in general?

Are you familiar with the massacre of Jews in Hebron in 1929? The Israeli state didn't even exist back then.

I would really like to know that from you.
Beiträge: 22
Registriert: Fr 15. Mär 2024, 11:18

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von strulle »

HappyKaktus hat geschrieben: So 7. Apr 2024, 13:27 ... - ganz davon abgesehen, dass der Nahostkonflikt ohnehin nicht auf der Tanzfläche zu lösen ist.
Beiträge: 49
Registriert: Do 25. Mär 2021, 13:20

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von Honkytonk »

mraleki hat geschrieben: Sa 6. Apr 2024, 22:39

-Gaza is a concentration camp, 70% of its population are refuges from ethnically cleansed cities and towns in now so called Israel and Israel controls everything that goes in and out and apparently can do an ongoing genocide for 6 months with the support of racist people like you.
Abgesehen vom restlichen Bullshit den du schreibst...

Es ist fast schon klischeehaft wie schnell du von deinem Verteidigen eines gegen Israel gerichteten genozidalen Slogans zu einer Holocaustrelativierung kommst. Kann ich dich vielleicht dafür begeistern statt zur Fusion zum Schwert und Schild Festival zu deinen ideologischen Brüdern zu gehen?
Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Di 19. Feb 2019, 07:25

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von mraleki »

dicker hat geschrieben: So 7. Apr 2024, 13:36 @mraleki: I find your point of view very one-sided. You don't go into the unbelievable deeds of your people at all. May I ask you briefly whether everything that happened on October 7, 2024 is a legitimate path for Hamas?
How do you feel about Judaism in general?

Are you familiar with the massacre of Jews in Hebron in 1929? The Israeli state didn't even exist back then.

I would really like to know that from you.
Brother you find my views awkward because you are not usually exposed to them, and if anyone ever tries they will get accused of fake antisemitism or be censored in Germany

I will answer your questions and I will tell you the side that you don't head, a side that will be banned and censored in fusion starting from this year

What happened in October 7 is a tragedy, though history didn't start in October 7, Palestinians didn't decide one day to wake up and go attack Israelis which most of them were military personnel, this is not an evil deed that happened out of no where, you and everyone knows that the Palestinians have been under a colonial apartheid occupation for the past 75 years and counting but chose to be silent, those people in Gaza are refugees under siege since they were born and until the day they die, they are from towns and cities that either were turned to Israeli cities or being wiped off the map.

Every day to the Palestinians is an october 7, every day they get their land stolen their people killed and their kids jailed, every day they live under an military occupation suffocating everything that lives, the difference is that you and others in Germany and the west had kept silent , encouraged that occupation and supported it because Palestinian lives don't matter and they aren't viewed as equal human beings

So my question to you, is the occupation a legitimate path for Israel? Is the land theft a legitimate path? Is the apartheid ( not by my standard, but every human rights organization says so ) a legitimate path of Israel?

Both sides aren't equally responsible, one is a occupied and the other is an occupier, one lives under the dominant force of an apartheid system and the other is subjugated by that system.

You have asked me about the 1929 events and I am aware of that, every drop of blood spilled is a waste. These events happened in Hebron , these events happened under the control of the British mandate the same mandate that promised Palestine to the Zionists the same mandate that got these Zionists from Europe and made them settle in Palestine, these people weren't native Palestinian Jews, they were European settlers that before the events in hebron have made settlements there and started taking local land by the support of the British army, these people went into demonstrations demanding the control over neighborhoods that didn't belong to them in Jerusalem and other places in Palestine, tensions were high between the local population and these new European settlers and those events happened, and you can't ask people not to defend their land against a foreign colonizer!

Now you asked me about the Hebron event of 1929, I will ask you about many others?
Are you familiar of the events that led to the establishment of the state of Israel? Are you familiar with the events in 1948 that have lead to the expulsion of 750 thousands Palestinians from their land? The land that is no called Israel? Are you familiar of the thousands and thousands of dead Palestinians?
Are you familiar with Deir Yassin Massacre (April 1948)?
Are you familiar with Tantura Massacre (May 1948)?
Are you familiar with Lydda Massacre (July 1948)?
Are you familiar with Qibya Massacre (October 1953)?
Are you familiar with Khan Yunis Massacre (November 1956)?
Are you familiar with Sabra and Shatila Massacres (September 1982)?
Are you familiar with The Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre (February 1994)?
Are you familiar with every single war in Gaza and the ongoing genocide where 34 thousands have died and many are still under the rubble? Where people were being killed collecting flour? Where families have been wiped out from the record?
And many many more where Palestinians on daily basis could lose their lives under this occupation
Who makes excuses for an occupation and an apartheid regime? Definitely not a leftist but one that sides with fascism.

My opinion about Judaism is that it's a religion, like all the other Abrahamic religion aka Judaism Christianity and Islam. I'm not a believer so all religions are the same to me, something from the past and if anyone wants to believe then please do and everyone has that right but no one has the right to say based religion god gave me that land, this is bullshit.
Anti Zionism is not antisemitism and the only people who want to mix both are Zionists themselves, Germans and american christian Zionists , they want to hijack the Jewish faith as a front for their colonial ideology, many Jews are anti Zionists , many people around the world are anti Zionists, to be against a political colonial ideology is free speech and shouldn't be mixed up with hating a specific religion.
It is dangerous to attach all those crimes with the Jewish faith because the Jewish faith has nothing to do with them, a lot of people could be anti Saudi Arabia, anti usa, anti German anti whatever and that's okay and it shouldn't be mixed up with being anti Christian or islamophobia.

These discussions should happen, but sadly they won't because of the censorship that fusion have decided to imply

A free Palestine doesn't mean kill all the Israelis , that's just an imaginary scare tactics, that's just in some Zionist mind thinking that the Palestinians will do to them.the same exact things that the Zionists have done over the past 80+ years
It is okay to dream of a free whatever you want to call it from the river to the sea where everyone lives free. Where the refugees can go back to their homes and lands that they were evicted from under the threat of mass murder in 1948.
It's okay to talk about this without censorship and the direct accusation of antisemitism, we are semitic too and our struggle as free people from around the world isn't with Jews but with the Zionist colonization that happened to be Jewish and used the Jewish faith in it's advantage.
The Palestinians will react the same way no matter who was occupying them, they didn't chose their colonizers, the colonizers chose them.

As I answered you I expect you to answer me and I'm welling to answer any questions anyone else wants.
I would have loved to be at fusion like I was planning but that environment isn't safe anymore , fusion was more than a music festival but now its not , it's a place of censorship and racism where Palestinians and people who support them aren't equal to others and their lives and freedom isn't Worth the same.
Zuletzt geändert von mraleki am Mo 8. Apr 2024, 17:27, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Di 19. Feb 2019, 07:25

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von mraleki »

Honkytonk hat geschrieben: Mo 8. Apr 2024, 15:04
mraleki hat geschrieben: Sa 6. Apr 2024, 22:39

-Gaza is a concentration camp, 70% of its population are refuges from ethnically cleansed cities and towns in now so called Israel and Israel controls everything that goes in and out and apparently can do an ongoing genocide for 6 months with the support of racist people like you.
Abgesehen vom restlichen Bullshit den du schreibst...

Es ist fast schon klischeehaft wie schnell du von deinem Verteidigen eines gegen Israel gerichteten genozidalen Slogans zu einer Holocaustrelativierung kommst. Kann ich dich vielleicht dafür begeistern statt zur Fusion zum Schwert und Schild Festival zu deinen ideologischen Brüdern zu gehen?
There is an ongoing genocide, open your heart and mind before you could open your eyes and mouth

I refer you to all the human rights watch, amnesty international and all the UN reports and regulations that explains the situation on the ground for the past 75+ years

Educate yourself, knowledge is good, question what you have been taught instead of being a censorship queen.
I advise you to go to that festival yourself, you would be surprised how much you have in common with them.
Beiträge: 49
Registriert: Mo 30. Okt 2023, 11:54

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von Olivetree »


So much text and one-sided, twisted thoughts to justify 7th Oct. So many false and ahistorical statements to say that the modern state of Israel has to be destroyed so that "Palestinians" get back "their" land. The land where modern Israel is situated is the home of Jews since 3000 years. Due to the jewish Diaspora they had been scattered around the globe.

In 1947 there was a UN resolution to form two separate jewish and arabic states and put Jerusalem under prolonged UN-control. It was dismissed by the arabs and Israel nevertheless was founded and instantly attacked by their Arab neighbours. The rest is an ongoing history of violence and counter-violence.

Palestinians elected Hamas with +65% after Israel withdrew from Gaza and the majority of them is still supporting them. Hundreds of Gaza-civilians participated on 7th Oct, killed , looted and raped. Hamas' declared goal is to wipe out Israel.

And you? You don't lose a single word about them. You justify their crimes stating that they mostly attacked Israeli soldiers (wrong). You don't urge them to hand over the hostages. You don't urge them to end this madness. You're only blaming the jews and cloaking your anti-semitism by calling them zionists, while pressing to remove Israel of the map.

Let me ask you: what should happen to the roughly 7 Million Jews in Israel, when Palestinians should become "free" (2 Million of them are already free in Israel and till 7th Oct it was possible even for people in Gaza to work in Israel) and get "their" land back? What will happen to them?
Beiträge: 39
Registriert: Mi 13. Mär 2024, 16:02

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von Rave2D2 »

I just dont get how the genocide will be ended when fusion would be anti-israel. Fusion is pro-refugess, pro human rights, anti imperialistic. so what do "you" as "pro palastine"-people want from kulturkosmos. it sounds like "as long as fusion doesn't say, israel people should fuck of, its an fascist festival".

Fusion is everything you want for palastine - but not just for palastine. Fusion is the same for ALL people. Jewish people getting attacked even in Germany. Nowhere on earth is a place, where jewish people can practice their religion without fear. You could team up with jewish people. Like a lot jewish people are teaming up with arabic people. The gouvernment should be your foe. Hamas should be your foe. But noooo, now Fusion is your foe. I could laugh when it wouldnt be that sad.

The most arabic people I know are ashamed for "from the river to the sea". Its just brainwashed hamas-ideology. Sorry to hear, that its so important to cry an antisemitic slogan for some people. You dont free anything with that. You are just fighting your own personal fights without any empathie for the other side.

I can just repeat myself: Everbody (here) wants peace for the palastine people. Everbody (here) wants the israel gouvernment to stop killing civilians. Everbody (here) wants palastine to be free. Its just exhausting to remember that not all palastine people are as fucked up as the "from the river..."-idiots in this forum. There is no freedom for some. There is just freedom for all.

I'm getting hard "ethno pluralism"-Vibes from you people. The same "look at these internet links. look at that. you have to see the truth". Just brainwashed fucks.

Shout from the river to your wall and feel ashamed for beeing this ignorant and arrogant

Edith: If you can't be pro-palastine without beeing anti-israel you're just an rasict, war-loving, revenge-driven asshole who believes in the lies of the powerful people. you've got every right to be that. but dont wonder if you cant find any friends with that attitude besides other rasict, war-loving, revenge-driven assholes.
Beiträge: 87
Registriert: Di 18. Dez 2012, 15:37

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von dicker »

first of all, thank you for answering my questions objectively. i really appreciate that!

of course i'm not an affected person, i live here in completely different circumstances and evaluate the israeli - palestinian conflict from a comfort zone. actually i can't fully grasp and evaluate it, i'm too far away from the events for that. but maybe the distance is even quite good to see the events more objectively.

i'm not religious at all and i share your views on faith. but what i miss in your words is the compassion for the people who were massacred. a festival like fusion was attacked there in an unbelievable way. i'm sure you know the details. now we're going to a similar festival where i'm afraid that something similar will happen there too. hamas has also taken away a piece of my freedom - forever!

the conflict cannot be resolved at the fusion in lärz. but you will meet people there who will listen to you and who also want the palestinians to do well. you should actually know that if you've already been there.

I'm sad that you don't want to come!
Nori Soron
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Mo 8. Apr 2024, 20:55

Re: Newsletter Israel / Palästina

Beitrag von Nori Soron »

"Palästina Spricht" leugnet Vergewaltigungen und verlinkt dafür zu Ken Jebsen.
---> <---
"Palästina Spricht" war 2022 auf der Fusion herzlich willkommen und klärte auf.
Nun klärt uns die Fusion darüber auf, dass "From the river to the see" umstritten sei.
Vielen Dank für nichts.