Police Control at the end of the festival

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mo 29. Apr 2024, 11:53

Police Control at the end of the festival

Beitrag von naron »

Hello all !
I heard there is pretty harsh police control at the end of the festival and that they are controlling basically every driver leaving the festival. I am wondering if you guys have already tips and tricks on how to avoid control (leave at night ? a few days after the festival ?), what kind of tests they are using, ect... ?
Beiträge: 649
Registriert: Fr 8. Jan 2016, 17:19

Re: Police Control at the end of the festival

Beitrag von Partybombe »

(Mein Englisch ist zu schlecht, daher die Antwort auf deutsch. Vielleicht mag es jemand übersetzen.)

Ja leider ist mit intensiven Polizeikontrollen beim Zu- und Wegfahrverkehr zu rechnen.
Erfahrungsgemäss sind auf allen ( auch auf den kleinen Strassen) grosse und kleine Kontrollpunkte
aufgebaut. Diese dauerten immer bis Mittwoch oder Donnerstag nach dem Festival.

Es werden vor allem Fahrtauglichkeitsüberprüfungen gemacht.
Das fängt mit Fragen wie "Haben sie Drogen konsumiert?" an und geht weiter
zu Turnübungen mit geschlossenen Augen, zu Urinproben und allenfalls Blutabnahmen.

Leider gab es vereinzelt auch Kontrollen am Bahnhof Neustrelitz für Bahnreisende.
Von Fahrradkontrollen weiss ich nur gerüchteweise, würde aber auch dort vorsichtig sein.

Stellt Euch darauf ein, dass ihr kontrolliert werdet. So seid ihr gut darauf vorbereitet und
könnt euch entsprechend verhalten.
Wer breit ist, fährt nicht. Sollte eigentlich allen klar sein.

Die restliche Kontrolliererei, die zeitweise das Ausmass von Schikane und Belagerung annimmt
ist ein anderes, leidiges Thema.

Ich gehe davon aus, dass sich hier noch kundige Leute zur aktuellen Situation deiner
Rechten und Pflichten bei solchen Kontrollen äussern werden.

Ein grosses Problem bei den Drogentest sind die zum Teil sehr langen Zeiträume zwischen Konsum
und bis der Test nichts mehr anzeigt. Dazu gibt es Tabellen die ich aber leider nicht zu Hand habe.
Vielleicht mag jemand kompetentes diese nachreichen.

Lasst Euch nicht erwischen!
Beiträge: 59
Registriert: Sa 10. Sep 2022, 13:29

Re: Police Control at the end of the festival

Beitrag von BademeisterIn »

They cannot check every car but they have a preference for foreign number plates. They stop me EVERY year since 15 years whatever car I have (foreign number plate). Never had to do a drug-test though. Unsure if they can "see" that I don't do drugs or if they just smell your fear. So I would say if you are not afraid you should be fine. They can force you to do a blood test but not a pee test. AFAIK they don't have wipe-tests in Germany.
Depending on what country you are from you will find the german police appear rather authoritarian.
Know your rights (not that many actually), read the information available and drive sober!
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mo 29. Apr 2024, 11:53

Re: Police Control at the end of the festival

Beitrag von naron »

Thank you both for your answers !

What kind of checks did they do to you if it was not a drug test ? I will have a foreign license plate too indeed.

As you said the plan is not to drive high but those tests can be positive days after the effect are gone. Stay safe everyone !

I wonder if you refuse the pee test the blood one probably takes a few days to finish after they collected the sample, so you could drive back to your country safely ? But then probably not be able to drive in Germany soon again.
Beiträge: 58
Registriert: Di 3. Aug 2021, 15:27

Re: Police Control at the end of the festival

Beitrag von rikeroki »

naron hat geschrieben: Mo 29. Apr 2024, 22:00 Thank you both for your answers !

What kind of checks did they do to you if it was not a drug test ? I will have a foreign license plate too indeed.

As you said the plan is not to drive high but those tests can be positive days after the effect are gone. Stay safe everyone !

I wonder if you refuse the pee test the blood one probably takes a few days to finish after they collected the sample, so you could drive back to your country safely ? But then probably not be able to drive in Germany soon again.
the safest way is to let someone drive the car out of the "blue Zone" = Police Zone. Just ask here in the Forum and someone is going to do it. :-)
Beiträge: 13
Registriert: So 25. Jun 2023, 05:39

Re: Police Control at the end of the festival

Beitrag von Cphklo »

Read my post from February...

https://forum.kulturkosmos.de/viewtopic ... is#p178468

Get a clean driver, dont take any chances. The urin probe is tough. We learned the lesson, the hard way.
Beiträge: 48
Registriert: Fr 16. Jun 2023, 16:50

Re: Police Control at the end of the festival

Beitrag von danpen995 »

Last year, there was a big Police control 200km away from the festival, just before Hamburg. The police directed every car from the highway through the rest area, pulling out every car that looked like it was coming from to the Fusion festival. No Joke.

So, the Driver has to stay Clean, there is no other opportunity. And i think that is Not such a big Problem.
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Sa 12. Mai 2012, 13:21

Re: Police Control at the end of the festival

Beitrag von Outsider64 »

The easiest and best way is: don't drive after using substances that are not allowed while driving in Germany. They are not forbidden for no reason. I wish all people who drive anyway to get into really big trouble. Use what ever substances you like, that's your own responsibility. But don't drive afterwards on roads where you are a danger for other people.
Beiträge: 22
Registriert: Mi 22. Jun 2016, 17:30

Re: Police Control at the end of the festival

Beitrag von JohausG »

Don't drive at night. There's way less fusion cars on the road but still a bunch of police. I'm pretty sure the chances for being controlled are higher at night; and I was controlled three times between 0000 and 0200 in the last years. (German car since that has been talked about)

Police presence decreases over time with sunday and monday being the peak. If you leave on wednesday the chance for control should be lower. Also you should be clean by then, no?

They are using urine tests on site or take you to the police station for a blood test if there's probable cause. You can deny a urine test but that's pretty much a guaranteed ticket to the police station.
Beiträge: 950
Registriert: Sa 9. Jul 2022, 19:44

Re: Police Control at the end of the festival

Beitrag von irrelevant »

JohausG hat geschrieben: Mi 15. Mai 2024, 15:14 Don't drive at night. There's way less fusion cars on the road but still a bunch of police. I'm pretty sure the chances for being controlled are higher at night; and I was controlled three times between 0000 and 0200 in the last years. (German car since that has been talked about)

Police presence decreases over time with sunday and monday being the peak. If you leave on wednesday the chance for control should be lower. Also you should be clean by then, no?

They are using urine tests on site or take you to the police station for a blood test if there's probable cause. You can deny a urine test but that's pretty much a guaranteed ticket to the police station.
We left on Wed noon (when the camping closes) in 2018, and were caught by the nearest "rastplats" along w/ a bunch of other people. Forced to stay overnight right there. It became a nice little camp out of itself. The advice I've been given to avoid police altogether is to leave after 19 or so, when police most likely shut down the operation completely.
It's not about making the world a better place; it's about making ourselves better persons. The rest comes naturally.